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Nirox Foundation Sculpture Park

The NIROX Sculpture Park is located in the Cradle of Humankind – a UNESCO World Heritage Site on account of its extraordinary paleontological treasures and unique landscape. The sculpture park is only open to the public 1 day a week; Sunday’s from 10am.

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Published on: May 24, 2020  -  Filed under: Surrounding activities

City Sightseeing Johannesburg

Hop onto a red bus and explore the City of Gold in over 16 stops to see up to 20 of Johannesburg’s top attractions! From Soweto to the Apartheid Museum, the attractions are interesting, rich in history and give insight into the country’s warm culture and deep roots!

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Published on: September 1, 2019  -  Filed under: Surrounding activities

Irene Farm

Located in-between Johannesburg and Pretoria, you will find the picturesque family-run dairy farm in the suburb of Irene. The farm houses it’s own deli, cafe and restaurant as well as paths leading through the property allowing you to look into the barns and fields where the cows and calves are housed and roam. This is a great stop to grab some natural products, baked goods and fresh milk before making your way to Maroela Treetop Lodge.

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Published on: September 1, 2019  -  Filed under: Surrounding activities

Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden

Donec feugiat purus eget nunc vehicula, quis maximus mauris rhoncus. Praesent felis urna, interdum rhoncus purus id, venenatis laoreet nunc. Morbi venenatis enim vel lorem ornare, id congue nisl tempus. Fusce velit ex, sagittis vel aliquam et, iaculis ut dolor. Integer et pharetra magna, sit amet efficitur risus. Duis at malesuada lorem. Nam ipsum augue, mattis a risus ut, pellentesque commodo elit. Etiam sed pulvinar arcu, ultrices scelerisque enim.

Lit up Adomus city viewed from the sky

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Published on: September 1, 2019  -  Filed under: Surrounding activities