Why Adomus Hotel is your perfect base for exploring the city?

Nirox Foundation Sculpture Park
The NIROX Sculpture Park is located in the Cradle of Humankind – a UNESCO World Heritage Site on account of its extraordinary paleontological treasures and unique landscape. The sculpture park is only open to the public 1 day a week; Sunday’s from 10am.

City Sightseeing Johannesburg
Hop onto a red bus and explore the City of Gold in over 16 stops to see up to 20 of Johannesburg’s top attractions! From Soweto to the Apartheid Museum, the attractions are interesting, rich in history and give insight into the country’s warm culture and deep roots!
Make this special day unforgettable!
Meetings and events
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Integer ex quam, venenatis eget pretium sit amet, gravida non urna. Ut et ante gravida, luctus tortor at, ullamcorper sapien. Nunc rutrum cursus nunc ut tincidunt. Praesent iaculis vehicula ex ut pharetra. Quisque efficitur, mi in finibus lobortis, nibh metus laoreet velit, sit amet fermentum justo sapien in lorem.
Donec at nulla id velit sollicitudin feugiat. Fusce elementum ac ex in auctor.
Sed sit amet sodales lorem, efficitur mollis ligula. Etiam fermentum viverra ligula sed faucibus. Nam at massa non lorem pellentesque iaculis vitae nec est. Donec enim odio, porta at laoreet in, imperdiet at sem. Cras mattis ex sed facilisis laoreet. Etiam vel metus sagittis, commodo mi sit amet, tristique ipsum.
Explore the city
Take a tour of Adomus
Nulla vestibulum sapien tortor, eleifend volutpat turpis interdum a. Donec feugiat purus eget nunc vehicula, quis maximus mauris rhoncus. Praesent felis urna, interdum rhoncus purus id, venenatis laoreet nunc. Morbi venenatis enim vel lorem ornare, id congue nisl tempus.